Sunday, January 13, 2013

So bad, but so good....KK Bacon Cheesebuger

I threatened to make this yesterday, and proceeded to feel guilty about it ALL DAY! Today, I just threw caution to the wind, quieted my guilt feelings and made it anyway! Surprisingly, the sweet doughnut was a great complement to the angus beef, topped with bacon and melted cheddar.

A fresh Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut is a requirement - as far as the other ingredients go, you should make a burger that you like to eat. I chose bacon and cheddar, and went with no condiments, as I didn't want it to be too soggy. The doughnut was sliced in half horizontally and gently toasted, to help it 'hold up' against that juicy burger, dripping with cheese! Before I feel too guilty, this was cut in half, and shared with my honey. After his first bite, he said: "It's horrible, you should give it to me." He said it with a straight face, too! LOL This is certainly not everyday fare, but every 'now and then' fare? I think so! Go ahead and make one - you know you wanna!

Thanks for stopping by~